Thursday, 29 April 2010

Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Enough about them...

From these words, came this...

... this is MY work

100% organic silk
100% handmade

Words: of old

The corners of 2nd hand book shops are always lovely, especially those filled with aged books with aged and scrumptious words written inside.

In these corners I can wonder lonely as a cloud.

The Secret Garden...

Falling in L O V E with ELLEN ROGERS

I haven't seen anything more beautiful for a long time

Falling in L O V E with Elsa Schiaparelli, EVEN MORE


Wednesday, 21 April 2010


Talk another language and i'll learn to speak it too
Talk to me in riddles and i'll talk to you from the moon

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


Le Soleil Brille

Summer is:

Reading beautiful books in the sun

The smell of Freshly cut grass

Icy Drinks... with FABULOUS music


Colours you dream of in the dark winter months

Sand between your toes

Summer is... Happinness.

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Thursday, 15 April 2010

The Road

A Foundation project based on 'The Road' by Cormac McCarthy.
Model: Holly Bryon-Staples
Coat & Photography: Me

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Haden Gaynor

So, when Haden isn't tucking into massive 'twice the size of his face' pizzas, or air guitaring, which i've only just discovered is his 'thing,' he is swanning around being one of the most loveliest people you'll ever know.
He appreciates the tiny details that others gazes may never lay upon, and finds drive to be the best he can be by creating his own small wonders.
He has an eye that picks out the tiny intricacies of the world, be it the menswear that he is so inspired by, the haircut on your head, or the emotion behind your eyes.

Everything he does is brilliantly neat, and I mean literally, not in 'cool kids' speak, well, that too. He douses himself in prada homme upon a morn that he picks from a 'neat' line up of different fragrances and preening and pruning products that make him feel and look yummy. He does this not just for himself, but so that when he walks past you, you too can breathe in the fabulousness that is Haden Gaynor.

He'll always pull up a chair next to you for a chat and a mAssive giggle, and will ask questions genuinely intrigued and fascinated by what you have to say. When he's on his way again he'll give you a hug to end all hugs... lean in and feel for yourself, it's a pretty comfy situation!

He spends much time with Momma Gaynes who, just by word of mouth is a bit of a ledge, and when he's not pleasing her he's pleasing you. Popping off here there and everywhere to brighten up your life.
So if you see him around, be sure to stop and have a giggle and a squeeze, you've just met the most wonderful person, Haden Gaynor.
Oh, and while you're here, you can meet cyber Gaynes either in the purple writing or... HERE.

ooooh yeeaah

Clasically beautiful

Kirsten Dunsts
V Magazine

Just a LITTLE bit pretty.
Oh dear i've been on the internet for hours. Time for tea.

sO comfy now

Worn in by Hannah Bryon-Staples


This shoot has either stuck in my mind because I love, and will always love gold, or because this issue of Dazed & Confused has been lying around the house for years, following me.

Elsa Schiaparelli

Elsa Shiaparelli
Skeleton Dress

Structure Structure Structure